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Buy the Big Issue!

No, I haven’t fallen on hard times.

This week’s edition, the one with this cover:
has a piece by me on ‘the death of the pub’, and what’s really happening, and why The Pub will never die as a concept.
Oh, and it helps the homeless as well – the only people (apart from skint pensioners) to have a decent excuse for not liking the snow.




tip top stuff:
on the subject of street drinkers (well sort of I know most homeless people aren’t problem drinkers) I saw the classiest street drinker the other day I was in soho and this deshevelled chap come up and sat on the wall I was sitting on , he was in tatty clothing and was in his cups he reached into his pocket and pulled out a bottle of Fullers ESB. Which he downed in matter of moments smiled again and stumbled off.


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