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Busy Weekend

Forgive the completely self-promotional nature of this post.  However: 

  • Tomorrow (Saturday 13th June) at 10am I’m the lead item on Excess Baggage on Radio 4.  If you’re not sitting by a radio in the UK at 10am GMT you can probably listen to it here after transmission.
  • Tomorrow’s Guardian also carries a long piece by me about life on Europa, the fantastic tall ship I took as part of my voyage to India.  Not only that, but the guide to summer pubs, free in tomorrow’s paper, also features (hopefully) several of my reviews of my favourite pubs.
  • And if you’re around the Midlands, come to the BBC Good Food Show.  Beers of the World Live is part of it.  The Worthington White Shield stand is part of that.  And I’m part of that – signing books.
Yes, it’s the first ever Pete Brown media over-exposure day.  Get everyone you know to buy my book, and I promise I’ll get out of your face.




I caught it, completely by accident. And what a treat it was too. Beer on the radio – well done Pete and I completely forgive you your dodgy West Riding accent.


West Riding? WEST Riding? How dare you, sir!

Perhaps living for 18 years in That London has worn the edges off my manly South Yorks brogue, but there's no need for that. 😉


Well done Pete, thought you came across really well and almost sounded like you knew what you were talking about!


Just finished reading Hops and Glory after buying it Saturday. Loved it, couldn't put it down.

Also think its a great concept, ever since I read the story on the back of my first IPA, and decided that the drink inside just didn't match up, I've been on the lookout for a 'real' IPA.

My favorite so far is from Brewdog. Seriously though, this brew you've lugged halfway around the world, will it be in shops at some point? Preferably without requiring you to take an extended cruise for each batch 🙂


A pedantic Yorkshireman writes:
Pete, you were born in Barnsley weren't you? Until 1974 that was firmly in the West Riding of Yorkshire.

Excess Baggage was a thoroughly good listen. I'm ordering the book this arvo.


Hi Pete,

I love the blog and have been an avid reader for a while. Do you know where I can get your book in the US or if your publisher will be releasing the book in the US? I emailed your publisher about a week ago with no response. The shipping is a little expensive from the UK.

Thanks, and I can't wait to get my hands on the book.


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