Tag: t-shirts

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Drink beer and carry on

I’m not above using my status as Britain’s Second Best Beer BloggerTM in the cause of commerce, so long as it’s for something I like.

The guys who make these T-shirts contacted me and asked me what I thought, and I think they’re rather fine – a message that both supports the beer and pub industry and gives sensible advice to everyone else who thinks the sky’s falling in.
If you like them too, go here and buy one.  

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The delicate relationship between beer and fashion

The nice people at Use Small Words e-mailed me and asked me if I’d mention thier website, where they make t-shirts and beer glasses featuring famous drinking quotes. I checked out the website and the designs are pretty cool – far better than the ones you get where someone just strips the words across the front – so I’m more than happy to oblige. They’re US-based, so not sure about international shipping etc, but if you want to make that summer fashion statement on the beach, go check ’em out.