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IPAs in (OK, near) Brighton this Saturday!

It’s my IPA event where Dark Star meets Hops and Glory tomorrow, in the Duke of Wellington pub, Shoreham on Sea, near Brighton, 4pm:

Here’s the list of IPAs and other beers (yes, I know a lot of them aren’t “proper” IPAs, but we’d all be comatose if they were) that will be on the bar:

Thornbridge, Jaipur IPA 5.9%
Nethergate, IPA 3.5%
Mighty Oak, IPA 3.5%
Rebellion, IPA 3.7%
Green Jack, Mahseer IPA 5%
Hopdaemon, Skrimshander 4.5%
RCH, Hewish IPA 3.6%
Stringers, Paint it Black IPA 5.5%

Boggarts, Rum Porter 4.6%
Crouch Vale, Blackwater Mild 3.7%
Whitstable, Oyster Stout 4.5%
Salopian, Ironbridge Stout 5%

To be confirmed:
Brewdog, Punk IPA 6.2%

And from Dark Star themselves:
IPA 6.2%
Six Hop 6.5%

Be there or be, well, sober I suppose.



Ron Pattinson

Not proper IPA's? Don't believe the tosh talked by Americans. Session-strength IPA's have been around a lot longer than tongue-stripping hop bombs.


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