Other Writing

A selection of articles I’ve written for other publications.

In praise of lager

Published On: 8th August 2014

As I’ve said before in this column, one of the biggest misunderstandings I encounter in my career is that people assume – what with me being a beer writer – that I hate lager and anyone who drinks it. Many – even some close to the industry – will make a distinction between ‘beer’ and

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Why politicians love beer

Published On: 27th June 2014

It all started with Barack Obama. In 2009, white police Sergeant James Crowley arrested a black man for apparently breaking into a house in a prosperous part of Cambridge, Massachussetts. It turned out the black man was Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr: a writer, TV presenter, editor, literary critic, filmmaker and essayist, and the first African

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Why you have to embrace summer festivals

Published On: 23rd May 2014

There’s a war going on for your soul. On one side, we have the drive to conformity that is seeing every street jammed into the same rigidly branded template. On the other, we have freedom, individuality and humanity. OK, so I’m a teensy bit biased in my war reporting, but hear me out.

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And the award for the best drinks producer goes to….

Published On: 15th May 2014

One of the best things about being a beer writer now people actually want to read about beer is that we’re starting to escape our little ghetto. It used to feel like beer bloggers, writers and enthusiasts were just talking to each other in a bubble that was entirely separate from any flavour of mainstream

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How mainstream is craft beer?

Published On: 4th April 2014

A few years ago – perhaps even less than that – craft beer was something for the hobbyist beer geek. Then, quickly, more people started getting interested – and not just the East London hipsters we love to mock. A recent Mintel report shows that 13 million people – a quarter of all British adults

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