The Aussies seem to have the kind of fun with beer ads that we Brits used to have twenty years ago. VB have a heritage of
making big budget commercials. I know they don’t always get
people to drink more beer, but this one has some beautifully
observed moments in it, is full of beery irreverence and makes
the important point that beer unites us all in an entertaining
well I think of Vb more kindly for having seen that. It has strong similarities to the Jeremy Dellar parade through manchester the other weekend the goths, etc
It's clever stuff, I liked it. As for UK beer commercials. Ignoring current market issues with ad spend and the state of ITV in general, I think advertisers in the UK have a real problem targeting blokes. Most TV is for women, and blokes really only tune in for the football. Football is all beer, razors and car commercials. But does comedy sell beer? As an ad man, maybe you know.