With just hours of November left, the team behind our video blogs have managed to pull together the edits of me in the Jolly Butchers, and Peter Amor’s latest instalment of brewing fun.
In previous V-Blogs we’ve gone around various pubs trying a variety of beers. This time we stayed closer to home – very close to my home in fact – just around the corner from my house, and focused the whole episode on the astonishing rise of London’s small brewers. Four years ago, London had Fuller’s and Meantime. Both among my favourites, but a shockingly small choice for the nation’s capital. A couple of years ago something exploded in the collective beery psyche. The result, well, click below…
Pete Brown’s British Beer Blog – November from Ian Hudson Films on Vimeo.
By the way – I’m slurring a bit – that’s not drunkenness – just tiredness.
If you enjoyed these, and haven’t seen previous ones, check out my adventures in Nottingham and in South Wales.
Meanwhile, Peter Amor, after taking us through beer’s ingredients and the process in the brewhouse, moves now to fermentation – in both the brewery fermentation room, and the pub cellar.
Peter Amor’s British Brewing Blog: Episode 3 from Ian Hudson Films on Vimeo.
Just before Christmas, Peter and I join forces to taste some great seasonal beers. See you back here in a few weeks.